Content Analysis Tools

 Content Analysis Tools

Five Content Analysis Tools

The world of content marketing is more competitive than ever. Content creation alone is not enough for you to succeed. You have to optimize your content, analyze its performance, and then focus on the right distribution strategies. To help you analyze your content effectively, we’ve put together a list of the best content analysis tools currently available.

What Are Content Analysis Tools?

A content analysis tool checks your content’s SEO performance, readability, and other factors to help you find out any shortcomings in it. With this kind of tool, you can optimize your content by checking content for:

  • Keyword density
  • Readability
  • Meta description
  • Internal and external linking
  • Headings and subheadings
  • Grammar and a lot more

The following are some of the most useful tools you can use to bring your content to the best shape possible.

1. Yoast SEO

content-analysis-tools-yoastYoast SEO is a WordPress plugin that helps you do on-page SEO. With this plugin installed, you don’t have to worry about paying an SEO expert to resolve your blog’s SEO issues. There are both paid and free versions.
Yoast offers various features that enable you to improve your content’s readability, achieve the right keyword density, create internal links, optimize headings, meta description, image alt tags, and a lot more.
Overusing it may make your content sound a bit robotic, but still, it remains the best content analysis tool around.

2. Keyword Density Checker

content-analysis-tools-keyword-density-checkerKeyword Density Checker is a real-time savior. When you’re writing an SEO article, you may not have enough time to count the number of times you use your keyword. But if you paste your content in Keyword Density Checker and enter your keyword, it will instantly tell you your keyword’s density.
It also tells you your webpage’s loading time, the frequency with which you’ve used every keyword in headings and descriptions, and provides a few other useful insights. If you want to boost your site’s SEO ranking, this tool can prove very helpful

3. Ahrefs

content-analysis-tools-ahrefsAhrefs is a paid content analysis tool that helps you get more out of your content. You can analyze your competitor’s site and find out niche-specific keywords that are suitable for your website. You can also search for a particular keyword to view search volume, ranking difficulty, and related terms.
Through the site audit feature, you can identify content gaps and gain a better understanding of your website. You can also analyze your site’s backlinks to check if you’re getting harmful backlinks or not.

4. Moz

content-analysis-tools-mozMoz is a paid tool that comes with a 30-day free trial. It has many marketing and SEO-related features. With it, you can examine your site thoroughly to plan new strategies and get better results than before.
You can perform on-page SEO, find technical issues with your site, look into your competitor’s backlinks, their authority, and link distribution, and search keywords that can help you rank high in less time. That’s a lot of features, and they’re all helpful.

5. MarketMuse

content-analysis-tools-marketmuseMarketMuse can save you a lot of time by uncovering content issues. It also rates your content, allowing you to make changes according to your target audience.
If you search a topic through it, it will bring up top websites, keywords, and word count suggestions into one place. That makes it very handy when planning a new content strategy. Also, this paid tool gives you new topic suggestions based on your website’s existing content.

Content Analysis Tools – The Bottom Line

Content analysis tools can help you improve your website and craft better content. They’re pretty easy to use and, in the long run, can save you time. If you’re not using one already, try one from our list.

Content Analysis Tools Summary

  1. Yoast SEO – Yoast SEO makes sure your site meets the highest technical SEO standards. It also gives you the tools to optimize your content for SEO and overall readability.
  2. Keyword Density Checker – is a tool built solely for the purpose of calculating the keyword density of any web page.
  3. Ahrefs – Everything you need to rank higher & get more traffic.
  4. Moz – An amazing family of SEO solutions for every need.
  5. MarketMuse – AI-powered content research, intelligence, and writing.

Content Planning